Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Favorite Shots: The Flying Veil

Have you ever had one of those days when everything just happens to go your way? Well, when a day like that happens to a photographer, something absolutely magical happens. Well, atleast that's what happens to me... I feel that I have been blessed with many good days and many great shoots, but so far, no day - no shoot, has come closer to being perfect than the day I am about to tell you about. This wedding took place in Tulsa, OK in April 2008. I was along as a second shooter as a favor to a friend (it was a paid favor, but a favor none-the-less). I drove to Tulsa to meet my friend Steve at the venue, which was a BEAUTIFUL old mansion. I wish I could remember the name - oh wait - I have the all-knowing power of Google... It was the Kennedy Mansion Bed and Breakfast. (A little side note: I was looking at the wedding photo gallery on their website and on the second to the last shot, I noticed a bride and her father walking down the aisle. This was the bride I was there to shoot. I look a little closer at the figure in the background taking a's my first appearance on a website other than my own. Exciting, huh?) Anyways, back to the photos...

The sun was shining, the venue was gorgeous, and the couple was smiling - what more could I ask for? Well, I didn't ask for anything, but what I got this day were some of my very favorite shots - EVER! So, for my very first "Favorite Shots" entry, I would like to share what I have lovingly named "The Flying Veil". Perfect timing, lighting and a small gust of wind made for one awesome shot...if I don't say so myself...but I did, so there. This shot, among many others from this beautiful wedding, has been a staple in my portfolio and marketing materials ever since. So thanks to Steve for bringing me along, and to Jen and Joe - the beautiful couple in this amazing shot. Oh and thanks are in order to that uninvited, but much appreciated gust of wind...


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Personal blog for Ashley Riddle. Ashley is a photographer specializing in wedding photojournalism and lifestyle photography located in Edmond, OK
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