Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jonna and James: A Love Story

I am going to subtitle this post "An Ultimate Challenge"

You know, I've come across a lot of challenges in my life, especially when it comes to photo shoots. In fact, I feel like there is a challenge at every single shoot, and that's probably why I love my job so much. I have been challenged by time, location and lighting. I have had all the little mishaps and undesirable situations. I have had a tough client or two, but nothing compares to the stress I feel when I have to shoot - (pause for dramatic entrance) - my mother.

What?! Did she just say that?!

Yes I did.
Now, let me explain. I love my mother dearly, I really do. We have a great relationship. And I think she is gorgeous and looks fantastic, especially for her age (I won't elaborate on the actual age, but trust me, she looks great for it.) Unfortunately, she doesn't always agree with this opinion, at least when it comes to pictures.

What!?! She's nuts!! She looks great!

I know, I know. I think so too.

Those of you reading this who are photographers probably understand how hard it is to photograph someone who doesn't feel like they are a super model. It is part of our job to make them feel like Cindy Crawford. This is how we get great shots from someone. For those of you who aren't photographers - trust me, it's a challenge sometimes. I have photographed my mother a couple of times over my career, and I feel like all the times before, I just couldn't get a shot that she really liked. (We are our own worst critic) So, when she asked me to shoot some photos of her and her husband, I was a little stressed to say the least. Of course, I was also excited to do this for them. So, I mustered all of my confidence and met them for the shoot. I felt like now maybe I had enough skill to please even my toughest client. This time both I and my mother will be pleased with the outcome...I will have accomplished a great thing.

Well, I am happy to report that the shoot was a complete success! She loved her pictures, and I loved that she loved them!! They turned out fantastic, and I got a boost in my confidence that is always nice to have. Thanks, Mom, for asking me to shoot these shots. Isn't it funny that it's the compliments that come from those who know you best, that mean the most?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

FAQ: Why are Professional Wedding Photographers so darn expensive?!

This is the question, this is it. Many people ask this question, and those who don't probably still wonder. I decided it was time to touch base with those reading my blog about this very popular subject. So here goes...

It is probably pretty easy to underestimate all the work a professional photographer does in order to deliver the wedding photos you always dreamed of. It may seem that we have the best job in the world because we only have to work one day a week and only a few hours in that day - and we get paid "insane" amounts of money for those few hours. The truth couldn't be further from the truth.

I remember when I first decided I wanted to be a wedding photographer.

I thought, "Wow. I will only work one day a week and make more money than I would at a normal job. It will be great and I will have tons of fun doing it. I wonder why more people don't do this for a living?"

I have to sort of giggle at that now.

Lessons I have learned and things you should know about us:

1. Running a business is costly.
The reality is that those of us who are actually professionals (meaning those who do this as our only means of income) are running a business. We are running a legitimate business, and the cost of running a business is high. Running a business is high in responsibility, as well as high in expense. There are many reasons why professional wedding photographers are priced so high, but this is one of the main reasons. There are expenses that no one may think of when I show up with my camera to shoot those pictures of you getting ready, or when I snap that shot of the first kiss. I must, for example, pay for several types of insurance to protect myself from accidents involving people or my equipment. Some wedding venues even require that a photographer carry insurance in order to shoot there. I must carry this insurance whether I am booked up or struggling through a slow time. Another cost not often thought of is the cost of wages and salaries. I often have a second photographer along with me at weddings and ofcourse I must pay them. I also have an accountant and a CPA who make sure I am keeping out of trouble with the IRS...yikes. I must pay for the website that you look at to view my photos, and I have to pay for marketing materials and advertising. I won't go into specifics on cost, but trust me, I had a freak out when I first priced brochures from a printing shop. There are other expenses like office supplies and utility costs at my office. Those who have a studio must ofcourse pay rent for that location as well. I could go on....but I won't. The cost alone of running a business is high, and that's not even talking about the time and responsibility that goes with that.

2. My Equipment
I don't just show up carrying a point-and-shoot camera and say "cheese". I must carry atleast two professional camera bodies (costing an average of $3000, yep I said "three thousand dollars"), several different professional lenses (also quite costly), professional flash units (yep, these cost some bucks too), and several other little expensive details you don't notice on your special day. Ofcourse, it isn't your job to worry about all these things - it's mine. It's part of what you are paying me for. At my office you will also find a serious computer (I call mine my jet engine), a monitor and tons of software that I use to organize and edit your precious memories. Again, I must keep insurance on all of these things and repair or replace items when they are broken or outdated.

3. My Education
I certainly didn't become a photographer overnight, and I didn't wake up one morning and decide to start shooting weddings all by myself. I had to learn and practice my trade until I was experienced and talented enough to take on this kind of responsibility. I went to school for what I do at a considerable cost, so I have Student Loans to pay off. I have worked for free or almost free in the past, and I have constantly continued my education. I pay for seminars and workshops every year in order to stay on the cutting edge of my profession. I have paid my dues, so to speak, and that's why I can charge a fair price for my services.

A fair price??!! You show up, work only a few hours, and get paid $500 an hour!! That's a fair price??
This brings me to my final point.

4. My Time. There's more to it than you think.
You may think that I show up, snap some photos, and walk away with tons of cash. It's just not so - I wish it was, but it just isn't. I work many hours on your photos. There are many more hours involved in the final product than anyone (other than other photographers) really understands. On average, a professional photographer will spend anywhere between 2 to 4 hours editing photos for every hour spent shooting those photos. If I take an average of 2000 images at your wedding and spend 8 hours (and the average is 10 hours) shooting those images, then my editing time can be well over 30 hours. Of course, I have to figure in the time spent on Engagement Sessions, Bridal Sessions and general admin. Plus, figure in the time I spend on consultations (whether I book the wedding or not) and viewing sessions. I put in more than a full week's work on almost all the weddings I shoot, if not more. When you think about the cost of the total wedding package and the amount of hours I spend on the wedding, it seems a bit more reasonable. Hopefully?

Ultimately, when you pay for a Wedding Photography Package, you really are getting a package deal. There is a lot going into every wedding when a professional photographer is providing their services. Now, don't get me wrong. I am certainly not complaining. In fact, I absolutely adore my profession and wouldn't change it for anything!! And I really mean that. I get to see "Happily Ever After" every weekend and I get to deliver the tangile copy of those memories to every happy couple. No, I am certainly not looking for sympathy here. I LOVE my job. I am only hoping that this will help you when deciding who should be your photographer and how much you should invest. There is a very simple rule to remember when making any decision regarding your wedding photography: "You get what you pay for".

Those of us running a serious business have many expenses in order to grow those businesses, and if a photographer is offering "professional" services at extremely low prices, they are probably not operating a serious business and are probably not really professionals. When you inquire with photographers about their services, ask them about the points I mentioned in this article. A professional should be able to answer your questions with confidence. If they aren't able to answer these questions, if they aren't carrying professional equipment (with back ups), if they can't tell you much about their education, etc...Ask yourself if it is worth saving a little money to risk your precious memories. This day will never be recreated. It will forever remain in your heart, and if you make a good decision about your photographer, you will have fantastic photos to cherish for the rest of your life. If you decide to go with a budget photographer, you risk a great disappointment with the final product. We get paid to carry this responsibility. We get paid to ensure you that you will get the great photos you deserve. We get paid to deliver your precious memories. We are professionals and we get paid to be professionals.

Helpful Hint: If you aren't sure what the average cost of wedding photography is in your area, inquire from several photographers who's photography you enjoy. Get their quotes, combine with the quality of their portfolios, and the answers to the questions above to decide what you think you should be paying for a quality photographer in your area. You may be surprised who you can find within your budget, and how doing this will help you to make the best choice for you and your special day.

Tara & Mark: Sneak Peek

The sun was shining and so were these two. This couple is just darling and full of smiles. I am so glad that Tara and Mark contacted me for their wedding. I can't wait until their wedding but I guess I will just have to since it isn't until July next year. The shoot went well, but we just ran out of time to do everything we wanted to do. So, Tom and I offered to meet up with them another day to finish getting the shots we needed to get. They so graciously agreed to do so....I am glad we did because we got some great shots both trips. Now, these two will be meeting with me in my new viewing room, so I can't share all of my favorites just yet because I want to make sure that they get to see the images before anyone else. I did want to give everyone a sneak peek of one or here ya go!!

My Favorite Shots: The Flying Veil

Have you ever had one of those days when everything just happens to go your way? Well, when a day like that happens to a photographer, something absolutely magical happens. Well, atleast that's what happens to me... I feel that I have been blessed with many good days and many great shoots, but so far, no day - no shoot, has come closer to being perfect than the day I am about to tell you about. This wedding took place in Tulsa, OK in April 2008. I was along as a second shooter as a favor to a friend (it was a paid favor, but a favor none-the-less). I drove to Tulsa to meet my friend Steve at the venue, which was a BEAUTIFUL old mansion. I wish I could remember the name - oh wait - I have the all-knowing power of Google... It was the Kennedy Mansion Bed and Breakfast. (A little side note: I was looking at the wedding photo gallery on their website and on the second to the last shot, I noticed a bride and her father walking down the aisle. This was the bride I was there to shoot. I look a little closer at the figure in the background taking a's my first appearance on a website other than my own. Exciting, huh?) Anyways, back to the photos...

The sun was shining, the venue was gorgeous, and the couple was smiling - what more could I ask for? Well, I didn't ask for anything, but what I got this day were some of my very favorite shots - EVER! So, for my very first "Favorite Shots" entry, I would like to share what I have lovingly named "The Flying Veil". Perfect timing, lighting and a small gust of wind made for one awesome shot...if I don't say so myself...but I did, so there. This shot, among many others from this beautiful wedding, has been a staple in my portfolio and marketing materials ever since. So thanks to Steve for bringing me along, and to Jen and Joe - the beautiful couple in this amazing shot. Oh and thanks are in order to that uninvited, but much appreciated gust of wind...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I promise this time...

I once again have fallen behind on my bloggin'. I may be the only person who has noticed this, but even then, I would like to follow through. I would like to blog more often, even if it isn't about a session or a wedding. I do have tons of photos left to share, but I can also blog about other things as well. I have lots to say, so why not utilize this wonderful concept of a blog...

I went to go see a movie this weekend with my mother. We decided to go see Julie and Julia. If you haven't heard about this one, it is about Julia Child and a girl named Julie who started a blog about her life. Julie is inspired by Julia Child's cookbook and decides to cook her way through this book in 365 days. This movie is based on two true stories, and is very inspiring. If you haven't seen it, please do. It doesn't matter what you are passionate about in life, it really speaks about going for "it". Julie would have never thought anyone would care about her blog, but over time, she gained quite a following. Her blog led her down a road that opened up so many doors for her. Most importantly, it got her off the couch and out of her cubicle at work. She found a path and something to be passionate about.

I was very inspired by this movie. I think it would be very nice to have followers of my blog, and it would be great to have people care about getting to know the real me. I have made a dedication to blog much more frequently, and blog about things other than my photography. I love blogging about my clients and their photos, but there is much more that I feel I can offer those surfing the world wide web....atleast I hope I can. For instance, I have been a part of many a wedding. I am always reminded of the little details that I know now, but didn't when I first started....Which leg does the garter go on?...Does the Bride go on the right or the left of the Father down the aisle?...How DO you bustle that darn Wedding Dress??!!...And so on...

Maybe someone out there wouldn't mind hearing the tips I have to offer about planning a wedding? Maybe my experiences at other weddings (including my own) could help someone else out there. Well, I hope so. I will start blogging about these things as I feel it helpful sometimes.

Also, I would like to start sharing some things about who I am as a person, not just as a photographer. Being a photographer does take up most of my life, but I am also a wife, a step-mother to a teenager (yikes!), a friend to many wonderful people, a sister, a granddaughter, and a daughter. I have animals that I just absolutely cherish and consider members of my family. There is lots to tell about me and mine.

Along the way, hopefully I will make some friends, gain some followers and feel like I have lived up to this new dedication....

So, here we go!

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Personal blog for Ashley Riddle. Ashley is a photographer specializing in wedding photojournalism and lifestyle photography located in Edmond, OK
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