Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I promise this time...

I once again have fallen behind on my bloggin'. I may be the only person who has noticed this, but even then, I would like to follow through. I would like to blog more often, even if it isn't about a session or a wedding. I do have tons of photos left to share, but I can also blog about other things as well. I have lots to say, so why not utilize this wonderful concept of a blog...

I went to go see a movie this weekend with my mother. We decided to go see Julie and Julia. If you haven't heard about this one, it is about Julia Child and a girl named Julie who started a blog about her life. Julie is inspired by Julia Child's cookbook and decides to cook her way through this book in 365 days. This movie is based on two true stories, and is very inspiring. If you haven't seen it, please do. It doesn't matter what you are passionate about in life, it really speaks about going for "it". Julie would have never thought anyone would care about her blog, but over time, she gained quite a following. Her blog led her down a road that opened up so many doors for her. Most importantly, it got her off the couch and out of her cubicle at work. She found a path and something to be passionate about.

I was very inspired by this movie. I think it would be very nice to have followers of my blog, and it would be great to have people care about getting to know the real me. I have made a dedication to blog much more frequently, and blog about things other than my photography. I love blogging about my clients and their photos, but there is much more that I feel I can offer those surfing the world wide web....atleast I hope I can. For instance, I have been a part of many a wedding. I am always reminded of the little details that I know now, but didn't when I first started....Which leg does the garter go on?...Does the Bride go on the right or the left of the Father down the aisle?...How DO you bustle that darn Wedding Dress??!!...And so on...

Maybe someone out there wouldn't mind hearing the tips I have to offer about planning a wedding? Maybe my experiences at other weddings (including my own) could help someone else out there. Well, I hope so. I will start blogging about these things as I feel it helpful sometimes.

Also, I would like to start sharing some things about who I am as a person, not just as a photographer. Being a photographer does take up most of my life, but I am also a wife, a step-mother to a teenager (yikes!), a friend to many wonderful people, a sister, a granddaughter, and a daughter. I have animals that I just absolutely cherish and consider members of my family. There is lots to tell about me and mine.

Along the way, hopefully I will make some friends, gain some followers and feel like I have lived up to this new dedication....

So, here we go!


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Personal blog for Ashley Riddle. Ashley is a photographer specializing in wedding photojournalism and lifestyle photography located in Edmond, OK
Blog Design by Delicious Design Studio